The Globally Competitive Sectors Work Group is taking a strategic approach to market research to inform the development of its action plan.

Facilitated Sector Leader Discussion Groups and Individual Interviews:  KC Rising conducted facilitated business leader discussions and in-depth interviews in targeted sectors. These discussions and interviews were conducted by a professional facilitator, Marissa Vidler, Clearbox Insights and workgroup members. The groups were comprised of key business and thought leaders from large, mid-sized and small firms in the following sectors:

  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Engineering, Architecture & Construction
  • Information & Mobile Technology / Telecommunications
    • Network Infrastructure
    • IT Systems
    • Mobile & Digital Technology
  • Finance & Insurance
  • Animal Health
  • Life Sciences
  • Logistics & Transportation

The intent was to get business and thought leaders from a particular sector to openly discuss the issues and opportunities facing that specific sector, rather than a specific company.

The discussions and interviews focused on:

  • Changes, issues and opportunities that this sector will face in the future and suggested response.
  • The sector’s current status in the metro area and needs that the civic community can fill.
  • Sector trends and forecasts.
  • Human capital – talent gaps, and how well the region is filling them.
  • Cross-sector opportunities – core strengths of this sector, and how they can be better leveraged.
  • Entrepreneurship and civic opportunities for innovation and growth.

Sector analysis: Spenser Essman, research assistant, KU School of Business, conducted research and analysis of sector projections. His final report will be given to the KC Rising Steering Committee this month.

The work group members are beginning to offer ideas to be considered for action. Those ideas will be discussed and prioritized at the next work group meeting and forwarded to the Steering Committee this fall.