With so much great, focused work going on by a truly unprecedented passionate group of volunteers from KC’s regional business community, it only makes sense to have a regular tool to share activity, resources and news. We hope you’ll find a nugget or two in this first issue that is helpful, inspiring or thought-provoking as we move into the heavy planning phase of KC Rising.

THANK YOU for your commitment to a long term vision of economic prosperity for our KC metro. It will only be in working together, in a transparent, authentic and business-focused way, that we’ll be successful. A singular focus on the same end goals will drive us all in the direction of a comprehensive, meaningful KC Rising plan. Together we strive to be in the Top 10 of our peer metros in:

  • Quality Jobs
  • Gross Metropolitan Product
  • Median Household Income

Each of our three work groups may approach these “big dot” goals a little differently, and may work at different paces, but we all agree these are the best benchmarks of a prosperous community focused on future growth. We are so proud to have you on the KC Rising team.  


Scott Smith, Co-chair

Doug Girod, Co-chair